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How to build a UX team that thrives: put people first in your hiring process.


How to build a UX team that thrives: put people first in your hiring process. How to build a UX team that thrives: put people first in your hiring process.

Listen: How to build a UX team that thrives: put people first in your hiring process.

In the first post in our series, we covered the importance of crafting job roles with intention. Once you've clearly defined the scope of a new role, it's time to hire. This post  talks about the UX hiring process and how you can make it more human-centered at every step.

We've all been in the position of looking for a new role. It's stressful to be on the hunt, especially when the process and / or results are suboptimal: finding potential good fits, submitting your application and waiting eons to hear back (if at all), scheduling disorganization, endless rounds of interviews, being ghosted on next steps, and so on.

First, you need to consider the points of value behind the HCD practice:

  • Slowing down (pausing with intent) to build connection.
  • Using inclusive thinking.
  • Co-creating solutions.
  • Researching to build understanding.
  • Taking a diverse lens.
  • Eliminating inherent biases.

Behind these points of value should be, well, values: Compassion. Respect. Empathy. Humility. Marrying the values of how we create with how we treat our potential employees is a tremendous point of opportunity—you're putting people first in all dynamics.

Connecting your and your organization's values with those of a new employee—from initial email contact to scheduling, to the interview process, to negotiation, to their first day—means demonstrating these values in action throughout. These actions need to match the words that adorn the lovely new hire collateral they'll receive, or else it's not worth the time they took to send it.

Three ways to make hiring more human-centric

As a hiring manager, making your organization—and hiring process—stand out is a matter of leveraging all of those values behind an effective, ethical HCD practice. 

  • Be proactive about communication and set the job seeker's expectations from the start. In design, setting expectations is all about having empathy for the user; use that mindset often. 
  • Be respectful of the individual reaching out—a fellow human being—and their schedule.
  • Be thoughtful in your interview process, giving candidates the chance to get to know you and your organization as much as you get to know them. Take the time to build a connection.
  • In taking these steps, you stand out to candidates. You protect people from burnout. This is how you support and act on your human-centered values from the very beginning.
    You've developed clearly defined roles with a reasonable scope of responsibilities and impact, and you've hired great talent using a people-first process. In the last post in our three-part series, we'll discuss the importance of helping your team maintain boundaries by modeling them as a leader.

    Image of Justin Dauer
    Justin Dauer

    Justin is an internationally renowned design leader, author, and speaker from Chicago. You'll find him often engaging with the AIGA's speaking events, interviewed in Forbes magazine and Medium's “Forge” publication, and penning articles for Aquent, CEO World Magazine, and A List Apart. He speaks internationally on culture and design, including keynotes at the UXPA International conference, Midwest UX, and St. Louis Design Week. Justin is also the writer of the celebrated book “Creative Culture,” a former VP of Design at CVS Health, and currently a design and strategy consultant for hire.    


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